Here’s A 2 Minute Guide On The 10 Most Important Drift Chat Features We Shipped This Year

Top 10 Drift Chat Ships of 2019

2019 was a huge year for Drift and our customers. We processed more than 1 billion conversations and helped our customers increase conversations, meetings, pipeline and revenue. We launched two entirely new products (Automation and Video) and continued innovating on our very first product, Drift Chat. So to help you get up to speed and take advantage of all of this new stuff, here’s a quick round up of the top 10 features we shipped ?  for Drift Chat this year.

Let’s go ?

1. Drift Playbook Branching

We launched an improved visual builder to help you reduce the time it takes to build out conversational flows, making adding skills to your chatbots easier and also more visually accessible.

Learn more about Playbook Branching here. Or watch the Drift Insider class here to get started.

2. Marketo/Pardot Targeting

With Drift’s two-way sync with both Pardot and Marketo, you can now sync contact lists from your marketing automation platform to Drift and target those contacts with personalized conversations.


Learn more about Drift’s integrations with Marketo and Pardot here and here. You can get started with each feature by watching a quick lesson on Drift Insider for Marketo here and Pardot here.

3. LinkedIn Sales Navigator Integration

Sales development reps have one job to do: book meetings for their sales team. When LinkedIn Sales Navigator is connected to Drift, SDRs can not only see a lead’s LinkedIn Profile information in real-time, they can also continue the conversation via InMail right from within Drift. They’ll never miss a meeting because the conversation ended early.

Drift LinkedIn Sales Navigator_Conversation View

Learn more about Drift’s integration with LinkedIn Sales Navigator here.

4. Conversation Analysis

With Conversation Analysis, you can search and analyze all of your conversations to discover hidden insights that will help you improve the buying experience for your customers.


Learn more about Conversation Analysis here or watch the Drift Insider lesson here.

5. Advanced Routing

You want to connect their sales team with the best leads as quickly as possible, but if you have a large sales team or complex routing rules, that’s difficult to do. Luckily we launched Advanced Routing so you can set up the conditions, branches and rules to guarantee your best leads get to the right member of your sales team as fast as possible.

Drift Advanced Routing

Learn more about Advanced Routing here or get the Drift Insider lesson now.

6. Eloqua Integration

Sync contacts, attributes and assign a salesperson from Drift into Eloqua.

Drift Eloqua integration

Learn more about our integration with Eloqua here or watch the lesson on Drift Insider here.

7. Playbook Testing

Drift Playbooks now have a built in testing tool. So you can test your Playbooks without impacting your metrics.

Drift Playbook Testing

See it in action here.

8. Two-factor Authentication

At Drift, security is a top priority, which is why we launched two-factor authentication this year. You can now enable 2FA for your Drift account and mandate all users use it. Drift also integrates with Okta to make single sign on even easier.

Provision users in Drift with SSO

Learn more and enable 2FA for Drift now.

9. Calendar Seats

For sales reps who don’t need to chat in Drift, but who want to book meetings through the product now can with Calendar Seats.


You can learn more and purchase Calendar Seats here or learn how to set up Calendar Seats on Drift Insider here.

10. Outreach Integration

What happens after you’ve engaged with a really great lead but didn’t book the meeting? You follow up with email. With Drift + Outreach you can send email sequences right from within Drift.

Drift + Outreach

Get started with Drift + Outreach here.

Ready to get started with Drift Chat? You can book a demo NOW here.