A/B Testing for Fastlane, Conversation Filtering, Email Digests, and Multi-Language Support: June Updates from Drift

We’re halfway through the year, and our hardworking team is not showing any signs of slowing down on updates to make you more successful with Drift.

June was full of updates that range from better testing to improved reporting to more ways to filter your Drift interactions.

Read on to learn more 👇

A/B Testing for Fastlane Playbooks

Fastlane playbooks turn your static forms into conversational forms and allow buyers to quickly chat with sales. While A/B testing lets you experiment with different variations to find the right message or CTA for your playbooks.

Now, the two work together. With A/B testing for Fastlane playbooks, you can test out different copy and bot flows to increase buyer engagement and improve meeting booking rates for your sales team.

Fastlane AB Test

Click here to learn more about Fastlane.

Conversation Filtering by Topic for conversational ai Customers

Our AI-powered chatbots engage and qualify your site visitors all hours of the day, in multiple languages. They are equipped to answer any questions your buyers have, no matter the time of day or where the conversation goes.

But more conversations can mean more information – and figuring out what exactly your buyers are talking about.

Now, you can easily see what topics customers are most interested in talking about with your AI chatbot. Drift analyzes conversations, identifies topics, and creates filters to help you quickly gain insight into your buyers’ questions.

VSA Conversation Filter

Learn more about Conversational AI.

Saved Filters and Email Digests

The Drift Activity Feed lets you quickly see who from your accounts has been visiting the site and where to prioritize outreach. However, if there is a lot of activity, it can be overwhelming to decide where to focus and whom to talk to.

With the new saved filters and daily digest, Drift makes it easier to keep on top of your accounts and make sure you don’t miss any intent signals. You can:

  • Save filters on searches and easily switch between them
  • Share saved filters with your teammates
  • Subscribe to a Daily Digest email that sends all activity from accounts straight to your inbox. And, best of all, it filters activity based on your saved filters.

Saved Filters

Check out your activity feed or learn more about the Drift Sales Seat.

Playbook Performance Warning

Drift Playbooks are not meant to be “set it and forget it” playbooks. They require updates and edits to make sure you are on the right track and hitting your goals.

But how do you decide which playbooks need the most attention?

With playbook performance warning, Drift highlights underperforming playbook metrics so you can easily understand which playbooks need the most attention and improvement.

Playbook Performance

Check out playbook performance reports in Drift.

Multi-Language Support

Want to expand your use of Drift to international sites?

We now offer support for multiple languages. You can create multiple widgets to align with different marketplaces – in over 25 languages including Japanese, German, and Spanish.

That’s it for now. Check back next month for more updates from Drift.

Want to learn how you can put Fastlane to work for you? Join us for a workshop on July 29th for a hands-on session with Drift experts.