Inside Drift: Meet Josh Moody, Finance Systems Manager

Welcome to another edition of Inside Drift, where we introduce you to the amazing people that make Drift such a great place to work.

So far you’ve met Shannon Donovan, Mary Mitchell, Catherine LaMacchia, Nadine Shaalan, Kahlil Trocmé, Britnee Laughlin, Allison Betito, Carolina Caprile, Michelle Ai, Frank Schepps, Tate Knapp, Alexa Nguyen, Zareena Javed, Chrissie Cronin, Jason Richman, Stacy Chen, and Lillian Frost.

Today I’m excited to introduce you to Josh Moody, Finance Systems Manager. Josh is a Marine Corps veteran who joined the Drift team in 2018 as a general ledger accountant. Since then, he’s become an expert in revenue and quote-to-cash (and built the team and process largely from scratch). In fact, according to his manager, Josh embodies the Drift Leadership Principle “be a curious learning machine.”

Ready to meet Josh? Let’s go ⚡

Editor’s note: The following has been edited and condensed for clarity.

Kaitlyn Martins: Let’s start with an easy one! Can you tell me a little bit about what you do at Drift? 

Josh Moody: I’m responsible for managing and optimizing the systems, processes, and policies that support financial reporting and operations here at Drift. That involves end-user support for all of our internal teams – everything from training to troubleshooting. Drift is also constantly evolving, so I have the opportunity to partner cross-functionally with many different teams to design, implement, deliver, and iterate on solutions that support day-to-day operations as we continue to scale the company.

Kaitlyn: What does your day-to-day typically look like?

Josh: My schedule is different depending on the week, but an average day typically involves partnering with our product team to triage and route any internal or external escalations, working with department leaders to understand key business needs or requirements, and supporting our sales, customer success, and support organizations so that they can focus on delivering a world-class experience to our customers.  

Kaitlyn: Now that Drift is a Digital First company, how has your routine changed?

Josh: My routine has definitely changed since Drift made the decision to become Digital First. From the outset, it was important to me that I maintained a good work-life balance. So I looked for areas in my daily routine that I needed to change and zeroed in on my morning habits. Another thing I’m very disciplined about now is taking small breaks throughout the day. Weather permitting, I usually go on short walks outside to change up my environment and get some fresh air. I was never great at sticking with a solid pre-work morning routine or forcing myself away from my laptop, but these are two changes that have had such a positive impact on my day-to-day. It also helps that I get an extra hour of my day back by not having to commute in as frequently!

Kaitlyn: How is working in finance at a startup different from other companies you’ve worked at?

Josh: I didn’t take the traditional finance path. After almost five years of active duty in the Marine Corps, I worked in the accounting department for a large food service company. It didn’t take me long to realize that was not the type of company I wanted to jump into. I wanted a faster pace and more opportunities for learning and development, so I started looking into the startup world. Working in finance at a startup gives you the opportunity to really come in and make an impact immediately, and that was really appealing to me. I’ve also enjoyed the culture, sense of community, and amazing people to be able to work with and learn from. It’s been everything I hoped for. 

Kaitlyn: What is your favorite part about your job?

Josh: Because I work with our finance systems, I get to do things that can help the company operate more efficiently (and make it easier for everyone at Drift to better support all of our customers) every single day. My favorite part is getting to tackle some of the largest projects that are critical to business operations and our customers.

Kaitlyn: You’ve experienced some amazing career growth at Drift in just a few years. Can you tell me about how you’ve been able to grow professionally throughout your Drift tenure?

Josh: Drift has been super supportive of me pursuing new opportunities that have allowed me to develop a broad skill set and contribute to several different areas of the business. The first thing I would attribute to my growth was really leaning in and proactively looking for opportunities to just be a resource. I was constantly asking where I can help or provide an extra set of eyes/hands/ears or volunteering to take on a task that I had the bandwidth for. These gave me different chances to help with (and in some cases take the lead) on a project or join in on a whiteboarding session. The next thing was communicating with my manager – not just about what was on my plate that that week or where I needed help – but also my expressing areas of interest and offering to take on more responsibility in that area. That communication and those conversations are so crucial for continued growth and development. And then from there, it’s about being an everyday learner, soaking up everything you can about that area of interest, and asking for help or a gut check when you feel stuck. These are things that have helped me get better in my current job and prepare me for the next opportunity.

Kaitlyn: What’s a fun fact that people might not know about you?

Josh: I’ve discovered a passion for cooking, it’s become one of my favorite hobbies and I try to cook at least three or four nights a week. The notes app on my phone is full of recipes or food shopping lists. And yes, I take pictures of my successful dishes. I think 90% of the pictures on my phone are food-related. One of the best things I’ve made lately was this frittata with roasted red peppers, spinach, and goat cheese.

Kaitlyn: What initially drew you to Drift as a place to work?

Josh: When I was first thinking about coming to Drift, I had a few things at the top of my list that the next place I wanted to work needed to have. I wanted to be a part of a company that made data-driven decisions, had an experienced executive team, a disruptive product, and provided opportunities for learning and development. After talking with some folks on the team, diving into the Drift podcasts (highly recommend Seeking Wisdom and Build), researching, and reading reviews – I knew that Drift was the place for me.

Kaitlyn: Finally, what advice do you have for prospective Drift candidates?

Josh: I would tell them that there’s nothing quite like being at a startup, especially Drift. It’s an exciting, fast-paced, and constantly evolving company. Your ideas and thoughts are heard and valued, so don’t be afraid to voice them. Drift a place where you can come in and make an impact from Day 1. So if you’re serious about taking your growth and development into your own hands and finding opportunities to learn around every corner, my advice is to lean in and go after it.

Want to work with Josh? We’re hiring. Check out our open roles here.

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