It’s International Podcast Day…So Here Are Our Most Popular Podcast Episodes Of 2019.


Did you know that there are more than 700,000 different podcasts and more than 29 million podcast episodes?

That’s just huge.

Here at Drift, we ❤️ podcasts. They’re an amazing way to build relationships, make people feel connected to the Drift brand, and spread our love of learning.

We host five active podcasts. But with 700,000 other podcasts out there, I figured it would be a great opportunity to give you the rundown on what each of our shows is all about:

  • Marketing Swipe File, for marketers who want to learn the tactics and strategies that the world’s best marketers are using to grow their businesses today.
  • Build, for PMs who want to learn product management, design, and engineering lessons from the product greats at Atlassian, Pluralsight, VMWare, and more.
  • Growth, for growth pros who want to learn how to run and optimize experiments and get hands-on advice for running growth programs from the best growth leaders in tech.
  • Operations, for ops pros who want to learn what it takes to scale through hypergrowth and go under the hood of companies like Salesforce, Amazon, Okta, and more.
  • And our newest addition – Conversational Marketing, for marketers who want to learn real-world use cases and best practices for conversational marketing from the team at Drift, plus interviews with partners, customers, and leading sales and marketing experts.

And to really ring in International Podcast Day – a day that celebrates the power of podcasts – I went through the numbers for each of our shows and found the episodes that you, our listeners, loved (and listened to) the most in 2019. So whether you’re a long-time fan or a first-time listener, you can be sure you’re tuning in to the best of the best.

Get your headphones ready ?

Marketing Swipe File

5 Storytelling Secrets from Andy Raskin (aka The Guy Top B2B Brands Call When They Need Help With Positioning)

On this episode of the Marketing Swipe File, DG sits down with Andy Raskin – who he calls a Silicon Valley storytelling mastermind. Andy Raskin is a highly sought-after consultant who knows a good story when he sees one. Case and point, his post “The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen” has become an internet sensation, with nearly 80k views on Medium. So we got Andy to spill his top five storytelling secrets. The ones he usually only shares with CEOs and CMOs. Secret number 1? State a big, undeniable change happening in the world. Secret number 2? Show that there will be winners and losers. Want the rest?

Listen to the full episode here?

You can find Marketing Swipe File on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music or wherever you get your podcasts.


We Talked To Product Management Legend Marty Cagan. Here’s What We Learned

Marty Cagan is often referred to as the most influential person in the product space. He got his start building products for eBay, AOL and Netscape Communications, and Hewlett-Packard. Now he’s a partner at Silicon Valley Product Group where he helps companies create winning product strategies and grow their product organization. Oh, and it just so happens that Marty has been a longtime role model for Build’s host, Maggie Crowley.

So in this episode, Maggie and Marty sit down for an epic discussion of all things product management. Some of the topics they cover are: how to really build cross-functional teams, why companies don’t actually operate like their role models, and the real difference between discovery and delivery. And that barely scratches the surface. Want to hear the one piece of advice Marty gives to product managers? Listen to the full episode.

Listen to the full episode here?

You can find Build on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.


28 Days To Get People Hooked: How Adobe Thinks About Activation

Matt talks about all things activation with Thibault Imbert, Director of Growth for Adobe Creative Cloud. Thibault explains what activation looks like at Adobe – how they define it, set goals around it, and measure it (hint: it’s not just about the quantitative).

Then Matt and Thibault take it a layer deeper and discuss a topic near and dear to Matt’s heart – experimentation. Thibault shares his advice on how to come up with ideas to experiment and test against the activation metric, how his team thinks about leading vs. lagging indicators, and how they make sure they’re not doing something that will hurt retention later down the funnel. Want to find out what Thibault says is his team’s north star for activation?

Listen to the full episode here?

You can find Growth on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.


Why Ops Pros Should Learn to Code with SifData’s Kyle Morris

On this episode of Operations, Sean chats with Kyle Morris about his unique path into ops. Kyle was an Army Ranger for four years before making his way to Silicon Valley, where he started his career in sales and eventually found his way into operations. Now Kyle is the founder of SifData and Kicksaw. Together Sean and Kyle cover everything from how Kyle fell into ops, why operations people should learn how to code, and why SDRs might actually be the best funnel for future ops talent.

Listen to the full episode here?

You can find Operations on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music or wherever you get your podcasts.

Conversational Marketing

Binge-Watching: Not Just for Netflix

Who says B2C brands get to have all the fun? Not us. And definitely not Wistia – their original series Brandwagon is doing breaking the mold and bringing entertainment back into B2B marketing. So in this episode, Sammi and Sara talk to Kristen Bryant (she runs partnerships and production for Wistia, nbd) about how they got the idea to do the show and what they’ve learned so far. Kristen shares why episodic content is a goldmine for marketers, plus how it can be used to spark conversations and build connections with buyers.

Listen to the full episode here?

You can find Conversational Marketing on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Want more from the HYPERGROWTH Podcast Network? Catch up with all of our shows here.