Roll Out the Red Carpet for Your VIP Prospects & Customers with Conversational ABM from Drift + Marketo 

What if you could give your dream customers a web experience they wouldn’t forget? Sounds great right. But until now, you haven’t had the tools to do just that.

Well now you can.

Introducing Conversational ABMTM for Marketo Engage.

We’ve partnered with Marketo to bring you the first-ever Conversational ABM solution so you can give your dream customers the VIP experience they deserve. This new offering enables you to sync contact lists from Marketo with Drift to start personalized conversations with prospects regardless of where they are in the buying process.

So, how does it actually work?

Let’s break it down into three parts:

  1. The Munchkin cookie
  2. Syncing Marketo Lists
  3. Targeting Marketo Lists

1. The Munchkin cookie

With the Marketo Munchkin Cookie enabled, Drift is able to recognize your Marketo contacts on your site. This means you’ll know who someone is the second they hit your site. Plus whenever one of your contacts has a conversation through Drift, that also gets logged as an activity in Marketo.

Conversational ABM Munchkin Cookie_Marketo Drift

2. Syncing Marketo Lists

You can now sync any list you have in Marketo with Drift. Whether it’s a list based on Job Title, or a list from an event, you’re now able to sync those contacts to Drift in just a couple of clicks.

Conversational ABM Synching Marketo Lists with Drift

3. Targeting Marketo Lists

Here’s where it all comes together. With the ability to sync lists to Marketo, and recognize contacts with the Muchkin cookie, we’re able to identify when a contact from one of those lists comes to your site and show that site visitor a targeted message. By creating such a personalized experience, you can level up your buyer journey especially for the highest intent leads (AKA those dream customers).

Converastional ABM Targeting Marketo Lists with Drift

Get Started with Conversational ABM

Ready to get started? Here are just a few ways to utilize our latest offering.

  1. Targeting based on Job Titles. Let’s say you know a CMO or VP of Marketing is the ultimate decision maker in the buying process for your product. You can sync a list of all of your contacts with that job title into Drift. The best part? With that list synced to Drift, give these contacts the VIP experience with a fastlane to your team. Since you know that anyone who’s on this list is someone you want your sales team to talk to, surface a custom message to greet that CMO or VP by their first name. Then, direct them to one of your team members right away to make sure they get the VIP experience they deserve.
  1. Targeting Event Registrants. If you have a list of contacts in Marketo that have registered for an event, you can start a conversation about that specific event when that contact comes to your site. Here’s an example of how one of our customers, Curalate, is putting this in action:

Conversational ABM Curalate

  1. Targeting Return Visitors. If a contact exists in your Marketo instance, they’ve likely already filled out a form on your site. Why ask for their information again? Uberflip is using Marketo lists to give return webinar registrants a fastlane to sign up.

Conversational ABM Uberflip

“We’re always thinking about how to create better experiences for our customers and prospects. Making them fill out forms for every webinar sign-up just to give us the same information again and again isn’t exactly the experience we want them to remember. So now we can give those prospects and customers a fastlane to sign up for our webinars without the form.”

– Arabi Siva, Marketing Program Manager at Uberflip

  1. Playbooks for Nurture. Based on where a prospect is in the buyer journey, they’ll see a personalized playbook when they visit your site. For top of funnel contact, you might want to ask a few qualifying questions before connecting the visitor to your team. On the flip side, for a contact from an account you’ve identified as a dream customer, they’ll have the opportunity to book a meeting directly with their account owner right away.
  1. Recognize Current Customers. Your company works really hard to make your customers happy. So when your customers return to your website, welcome them back and give them the VIP experience they deserve. Rather than having current customers see the same playbook that is meant to get you net new leads, you can surface a specific playbook with customer-centric messaging. Customer lists can also be used in-app to show specific playbooks based on Marketo data like product usage and behavior.

Ready to roll out the red carpet for your VIPs? Conversational ABM is now available on our Premium and Enterprise Plans. Chat with our team to learn more and try it out today.