3 Ways to Use Drift Video to Work Open Sales Opportunities

By Drift

using Drift Video to work open sales opportunities

You’ve got a warm lead and an intro, awesome. But now it’s time for the hard part. Turning that open opportunity into a closed deal. It’s not easy. And depending on the type of product your selling and who you’re selling to, it can take months. So how do you keep the prospect engaged and the opportunity moving forward? Email isn’t likely to catch their attention. Good luck getting someone on the phone. But have you tried video? Drift Video Capture is a great way to engage open opportunities. To help you get started, here are three ways to use Drift Video when working open opportunities.

If you’re looking for even more tips on how to use video to work open opportunities, you’ll want to check out the full Drift Insider course here.

1. The Follow Up

You have one great call. And you feel some urgency to schedule another. You do your best to write down everything in your follow up email and make it compelling enough for them to not only click, but also reply. But they never do… instead use video to create a compelling follow up. Go over the good and the bad, show relevant slides and recap next steps. Best of all, Drift Video provides helpful tracking and notifications and you can start a conversation right from the video whenever it’s being viewed.

2. Avoiding the No Show

To decrease your no show rate before a call, you typically send an email, right? Instead put some thought into a short, personal video to confirm the call. This establishes a personal connection, which means they’re less likely to blow you off.

3. The Second Chance

After every single call, you usually take a couple of minutes to go over how it went. There’s always a moment of, “Oh crap, I forgot to say something.” Don’t panic. Just send a quick recap with what you wished you had said. No sweat.

Looking for even more ways to get started with Drift Video? You can get all of our plays for prospecting, working opportunities, and closing deals on Drift Insider.