Join Over 20,000 Marketing & Sales Pros In The NEW Drift Community

If there’s one thing that could possibly get me more excited than the launch of our recent Conversational Marketing and Sales Certifications, it’s this.

Last week we launched the Drift Community ?

? I won’t be offended if you stop reading this blog and head over to the Community right now to get in on the action.

But if you’re still reading, let me tell you a little bit about the Community and our values. The Insider Community is made up of Drift employees, customers, partners, and professionals eager to learn. We have places to discuss all things marketing, sales, and Drift products.

Community Values

We created this set of community values to l help us achieve our ultimate vision ? to be an inclusive learning community for sales & marketing professionals.

1.   Create a culture of respect and trust.

We all do our part to maintain a culture of inclusion, respect, and trust. We celebrate each other’s wins with excitement and enthusiasm. We respect different opinions and embrace the fact that we’re not all the same. By doing that, we create unity.

2.   Be a curious learning machine.

We bring a spirit of learning to everything we do. We approach learning as both students and teachers, eager to share our discoveries with each other. We can’t stay comfortable or get stuck in our ways. Learning keeps us in motion.

3.   Push for high standards.

We should always be willing to push each other. No matter how big or small something seems, it contributes to our professional development. Despite knowing that we can reach higher and do better, we take time to celebrate the wins that we’ve each made along the way.

4.   Practice extreme ownership.

We take extreme ownership of how we engage in the Community. We never point fingers or make excuses. We take it upon ourselves to understand the Community values and practice them daily.

? Before I send you on your way, here are 3 quick tips to creating great discussions in the Community:

  1. Make the discussion title or question as descriptive as possible. A good discussion title is a short preview of your post.
  2. Add an image. Images add visual interest and make your post look great when shared out to social networks. You can embed an image using the button bar or you can upload one from your desktop or phone.
  3. Mention others. Credit other members if you are building off their previous comments or if you want to draw them into the discussion. Put the @ before a username to mention someone.

Ready to join the conversations? Head over to the Drift Community here ⚡︎