Hey Marketers: This Is How You Can Actually Get Started with AI

There’s a lot of fear-based messaging around the subject of artificial intelligence. The robots are watching (and listening to) your every move. The robots are going to steal your job. The robots are taking over.

It’s…a lot. And it turns out, fear isn’t what’s holding marketers back the most when it comes to AI. According to recent research from Drift and MAII, 63% of marketers say that lack of training and enablement is the thing that’s preventing them from fully adopting AI at their companies. 

So where do we go from here? Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience under your belt, start by joining Rob Stevenson and Aurelia Solomon to learn: 

  • #1 Current AI trends (and what they mean for marketing leaders)
  • #2 Best practices for enabling your team to be successful with AI
  • #3 How companies like Zenefits are using Drift Conversational AI to drive results


Aurelia Solomon

Senior Director of Product & Customer Marketing & Product Education, Drift

Rob Stevenson

Executive Director of Performance Marketing, Zenefits

Hey Marketers: This Is How You Can Actually Get Started with AI