How Drift + Lift AI Drives 4x Conversions

98% of your website visitors are anonymous, so how can you discover their buying intent and ultimately convert them into revenue? Find out how companies like PointClickCare have solved this problem in this interactive webinar featuring Jared Fuller of Drift, John Walker of PointClickCare, and Lise Reddick of Lift AI.

In this webinar you’ll learn:

  • #1 How to identify the 98% of anonymous visitors on your website using AI
  • #2 How to convert those anonymous visitors into revenue through conversational marketing
  • #3 How PointClickCare used Drift + Lift AI to 4x their conversions using this approach


Jared Fuller

Sr. Director, Partnerships @ Drift

John Walker

Director, Demand and Customer Lifecycle Marketing @ PointClickCare

Lise Reddick

VP of Products @

How Drift + Lift AI Drives 4x Conversions