Implementing Conversational Marketing Across Channels:

We may be a little biased (ok a lot biased), but we know how much better the buying experience is on a website that uses conversational marketing.

The impact of immediate human engagement with a buyer that is actively exploring your solution cannot be overstated.

But this instant, personalized interaction shouldn’t start only when the buyers arrive on your site. You should be having these conversations at every stage of someone’s buying process and across all of your marketing channels.

That’s where we come in. Join Kate Adams and Mark Kilens to learn:

  • #1 How conversational marketing fits into each of your marketing channels
  • #2 How to seamlessly move interested prospects from email reply to purchase
  • #3 How conversational marketing rapidly accelerates your buying process and close rate


Kate Adams Drift

Kate Adams

VP of Marketing @ Drift
Drift Mark Kilens

Mark Kilens

VP of Content and Community @ Drift

Implementing Conversational Marketing Across Channels:

From Website to Email