Embrace a Data Strategy Your Customers Can Trust

The future of marketing isn’t cookies. It’s first-party data. Hear from Drift and other top Adobe partners on what it takes to whip up a winning strategy.

About This Book

Only 37% of global business professionals surveyed believe they are prepared for a cookieless future.

Much like the sweet, tasty, IRL equivalent, cookies have been a favorite part of marketers’ lives for years. But, 96% of consumers don’t agree — they feel increasingly uncomfortable when brands use cookies to track their behavior without consent. Even though Google did postpone the removal of cookies, the time for brands to change, is now.

The future of marketing lies in first-party customer data (aka the data you collect directly from audiences, with their consent). Because when you’re transparent with customers, it builds trust and creates rich audience profiles from across the entire customer journey.

If you’re ready to embrace a first-party data strategy, but don’t know where to start, then you’ve come to the right place. This book brings together expertise from some of Adobe’s top partners on how to design and execute a winning first-party data strategy.

But that’s just the beginning. We also go into how to build a tech stack to match and help put you in position to deliver the kinds of personalized experiences customers can’t get enough of.

What's Inside

  • AppsFlyer: Different worlds, same challenge
  • Drift: Turn conversations into customers in a cookieless world
  • Epsilon: The marketer’s pre-cookieless checklist
  • Sprinklr: Beyond CRM
  • SundaySky: The role of video in a cookieless world
  • Yext: Get free of the cookie trap
  • And much, MUCH more

Take a Big Bite Out of the Cookieless Future

Learn everything you need to know about creating (and executing) your own first-party data strategy from some of Adobe’s top tech partners.