Introducing Playbooks: The Easiest Way To Get More Sales Meetings

There’s a whole new reason for marketing teams to love using Drift: Playbooks.

Playbooks are pre-packaged campaigns in Drift that are designed to help you achieve your specific marketing and sales goals.

The first one that we have released today is all about getting more meetings (and building a bigger pipeline) for the sales team.

Here’s how it works:

1. When a visitor comes to your website, our intelligent sales assistant, LeadBot™, will capture that visitor’s contact information and qualify the lead for you based on the questions that matter to your business (most people typically ask about the industry, company size, and biggest pain point).

2. If the visitor is a good fit, LeadBot™ will then pass that lead on to your sales reps based on the routing rules you set, like territory or firmographics. (You can also choose what you want to do with leads who are not a good fit, be it end the conversation or send them to your email list for more nurturing.)

3. LeadBot™ will then handle scheduling a meeting with the qualified lead — and this all happens in seconds while someone is live on your website (not after they have left and continued with their day).

As a marketer, this means that all you have to do is get the sales team to connect their calendars to Drift with Google Calendar or Outlook 365.

No more chasing down prospects with follow up emails after they have left your website and you have lost their attention. And no more arguing with the sales team about whether they are following up with your leads fast enough or in some cases, at all.

Plus, you can eliminate any bad leads by writing a simple LeadBot™ script to ensure only the best leads get to connect with sales (the easiest place to start is by using the questions you’re already asking on your lead forms).

Book More Meetings Without Creating More Work For Sales

Here’s the best part about this Playbook and the reason why we built it in the first place:

It does not require more work for the sales team.

We are marketers too (and our founders have spent the last decade building the best marketing automation software out there). So we know first hand that convincing the sales team to try something new is never easy. Sales teams do not want to change the way they work. Not to mention the fact that many sales teams have been burned by traditional “live chat” tools before, spending hours dealing with support questions and trying to cut through the noise just to find the good leads.

So with this first Playbook, we have made it so you don’t have to worry about interrupting your sales team, training them on a new tool, or having them grumble about the quality of leads.

The entire funnel is now in your control as a marketer.

Rethinking Marketing Automation In An On-Demand World

This is the first of a handful of Playbooks that we will be releasing over the next few months at Drift, and it is just the beginning of something much bigger across the board: re-thinking marketing automation.

As people, we live in an on-demand world where we expect answers from businesses in real-time. But traditional marketing automation can take days (at best) from the time a website visitor becomes an MQL, an opportunity, and on down the funnel.

Just think about this for a second: if a good lead is on your website right now and interested in your business, why should they have to wait days to get connected to your sales team?

That’s why our mission here at Drift is to remove that complexity from the buying process and put the customer back at the center of marketing and sales software, and that all starts with real-time messaging and the first Playbook that have unveiled today.

Click here to learn more about Playbooks and see why one CMO told Harvard Business Review that using Drift is “the most productive thing I’m doing in marketing.”

We can’t wait to see what your team can do.

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