Supercharge Your Content to Drive More Leads with Drift & PathFactory

Drift PathFactory integration

Today, we’re excited to announce our new integration with PathFactory – a content insight and activation platform that helps marketers understand the role content plays throughout the buyer journey.

This new integration allows marketers to make chat available while buyers are consuming content. In turn, this experience brings potential customers through the funnel faster and ultimately converts more leads.

So how does this integration work for Drift and PathFactory customers? A few ways actually:

Deploy Drift playbooks inside PathFactory’s Content Tracks 

As prospects make their way through the buyer journey, the content you’re using and conversations you’re having should change to help guide them down the funnel.

Drift’s integration with PathFactory allows for deliberate deployment of Drift chatbots inside specific PathFactory Content Tracks based on where the prospect is within the funnel.

The deployment can be triggered based on:

  • The amount of time a buyer spends consuming content
  • How many assets they’ve consumed in a single session
  • When they click a call-to-action

This allows you to deploy the right conversation at the perfect moment in the buyer journey for each potential customer.

Drift with PathFactory content tracks

Sync Drift leads with PathFactory

Driving prospects from your content to a conversation is a great way to increase engagement with would-be buyers. But how do you know which leads are influenced by your content versus the conversation?

Our integration with PathFactory means new contacts sourced through Drift are synced over to PathFactory and tagged as Drift leads. The PathFactory Platform can then take a lead who has become known to Drift and uncover exactly what their content consumption looks like – before, during and after chat. This is incredibly important as buyers look to share content with colleagues who influence the buying process and who may not be familiar with your business.

Sync Drift leads with PathFactory

Understand how chat influences content performance throughout the buyer journey

Marketers use content in just about every stage of the buyer journey. But how do you know if your content is resonating with buyers?

Using PathFactory, marketers are given a centralized view of the consumption of their content and the corresponding conversations, which helps them make better decisions on how to orchestrate the ideal buyer journey across every channel.

Some key analytics views include:

  • Where in the buyer journey chatbots are used most
  • A transcript of every Drift conversation
  • Specific questions prospects ask through chat

With this data at their fingertips, marketers can create a great buying experience and help guide people through the funnel faster.

Interested in learning more about Drift’s new integration with PathFactory? Click here to get a demo today.